Pitch Perfect

Course by:
Chris Baréz-Brown

Right now, at this very minute, 300 hours of videos are being uploaded to YouTube. Let's face it: people love video. Especially Chris Baréz Brown. In this course he'll show you how video can not only tell a story, but make you a more confident, empathetic, and adaptable leader.

First Things First: Have More Fun
2m 36s

When you do the same things, day in and day out, you start to lose sight of the things you love. That’s where I come in. In the following videos you’ll learn how to reach a new level of energy in your pitch and innovate around people.

Video Killed The Radio Star...
3m 49s

....and that’s a good thing. Moving images move people. Other than being in the same room as someone, video is as close as you can get to another person via digital communication, making it the most important tool in your arsenal.

Wait. What IS Video?
2m 19s

Webinars, webcasts, Townhalls, that one-off video you recorded for Steve while waiting for the train because it was easier than writing an email on your phone--it's all video, and all video is communication. So let's make sure it's clear and effective.

Why? Why? Why?
1m 04s

This is the question you should ask before you do anything. Why are you making this video?

The Key
1m 50s

Identify the one thing you want people to take away from your video, and the rest will follow.

Hook, Line, and Success
2m 18s

With so much video out there, only certain ones will really make an impact on us. And they make an impact because they have that je ne sais quoi--the hook.

Let's Talk About Energy
2m 07s

I’m going to need your full attention for this: if you follow these steps, all of your communication from now on will be infinitely better.

It’s Not All About You

As interesting as you are, your videos will be vastly improved by bringing your colleagues, your mentors, people who inspire you together for the camera.

Ace Detective

Be a magpie: there is always an opportunity to find a new piece of information, a fresh video clip, an exciting piece of media to include in your Touchcast.

Lucky Number Seven

Repeating your key message, in different ways, ensures your audience leaves with the right takeaway.

When The Camera Crew Is You
3m 46s

When you’re recording a video it’s more than being in the right frame of mind… you also need to get the frame right!

Cult of Personality
2m 08s

The best speakers have a resonant brand. You can, too. Find what makes you special and translate that quality into a vibrant energy you’ll deliver in your video.

Try, Try, Try, And Then Try Some More
1m 53s

Don’t think too far ahead: get some quick and dirty ideas rolling, start shooting, and then get feedback from your peers. You’ll be surprised how much you learn.

Don’t Forget To Be Human
3m 38s

Being personal is a dynamic way to be persuasive. Stay in touch with your passions, be honest, and see what happens.

Chris Baréz-Brown

Chris Baréz-Brown is an author, speaker, and the founder of Upping Your Elvis, a highly successful company who specialize in creative leadership. His clients include Nike, Unilever, Britvic, Diageo, PepsiCo and Mediacom who come back time and again for his unique, energetic and impactful approach. His obsession with putting video at the heart of his teaching and communications is why he’s been features in the Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, The Sunday Times and more.

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The Webcam Pitch
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