The Webcam Pitch

Course by:
Charlie Le Grice

It’s the biggest pitch of your career. You know your material inside and out and you’ve tailored your presentation to your audience. You’re excited. But also nervous. Because instead of being in the room with your client, you’re three thousand miles away and will be delivering this pitch virtually. Charlie Le Grice is a professional actress--being on camera is her job. In this course she’ll show you how to get comfortable in front of the lens.

Rule Number One: Confidence Counts

You've probably heard that the key to looking good on camera is if you’re feeling good. And that’s wrong. When you’re presenting, it’s not about you--it’s about your audience. I can show you can present your best self and make memorable connections.


You want to feel comfortable on camera, but you don’t want to look too comfortable. And you don’t want to look too rigid, either. Here’s how to strike the perfect pose to command attention and relay confidence.

It's All in the Eyes

It's not a staring contest, but maintaining natural eye contact through a camera lens is important (and yes, requires a little bit of practice).

Express Yourself

In person conversations have the advantage of letting you communicate with your whole body, so even when your face is resting your posture, arms, and legs show you’re engaged. But on camera, it’s easy to miss those cues that you’re still listening.

Talk The Walk
1m 16s

Did you know the way you move will affect the way you sound on camera? A stiff body leads to an artificial voice, so it’s important to practice incorporating a little bit of motion to keep you sounding your best.

Dress for (Video) Success
1m 15s

How you dress is an excellent way to make a great first impression, and it’s not as hard as you may think. The key is to dress for your audience, and to let your clothes help you express the tone you want to convey.

No Filter Needed

You want to look your best on camera, and a little bit of makeup can go a long way (and that goes for everyone). A little bit of concealer and chapstick can completely transform your appearance and bring life to a dull screen, if you know how to do it right.

Tips for the Makeup Artist

If you want to take your makeup to the next level, there are a few dos and don’ts you should be aware of.

Try It Out!

Now that you know how to speak, move, and look comfortable on camera, it’s time to try it out. Practice with your colleagues or with yourself, and remember to connect with your audience.

Charlie Le Grice

Charlie Le Grice is a New York-based actress known for her roles in The Vanishing of Sydney Hall (2017) and Get Happy (2015). From starring in commercials to hosting a web series, Charlie is an experienced professional both in front of and behind the camera.

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